Who is Greg O’Gallagher?

From an early age, Greg O’Gallagher knew he wanted to build an incredible physique that was both strong and powerful.
Greg’s approach — the Kinobody approach — is made to blend fitness with lifestyle. It will help you become leaner, stronger and more developed each and every week…all while enjoying your life.
With this blend, you’ll fall in love with the process, which is what it’s all about.
Greg embraced this minimalist approach and saw fantastic results. Now, he wants to share this with you. Join him on this adventure, transform your physique and live the life of your dreams!
What Are The Best Courses of Greg O’Gallagher?
1. The KinoBooty Program
You can increase the waist to hip ratio through two ways. Either you can lose fat and tighten up your waist. Or you can build up your butt!
To seek out the best fitness information, we really need to be looking at the fitness coaches that are helping everyday men and women, achieve breathtaking results. As well, those coaches that actually back up their advice with real human research and actual physiology, not just personal anecdote.
2. Goddess Toning Program
My goddess program resonates with a lot of women because it’s honing on the body they are after. It’s honing on the message that they are dying to hear.
I’m okay now. It teaches them to really enjoy that journey without having to follow all those dogmatic rules, without having to say, “Oh, I can’t have carbs again. I can’t have chocolate again.” The reality is, you can fit into the stuff you want. You can eat great meals if you structure the diet in a lot of ways.
3. Warrior Shredding Program
The program is actually extremely fulfilling from a lifestyle standpoint. All my courses, you’re training three days per week, because that’s what allows for maximum recovery.
You don’t want to, if you’re going for a nice, really good looking physique that’s fun to maintain, you don’t want to train five days a week. You don’t want to train six days a week, because you’re going to be a slave to the gym.
4.Bodyweight Mastery Program
In this course, you’re going to learn how to work up these advance movements, you’re going to learn how to make nutrition so simple and effortless that you can achieve your physique goals with absolute ease; whether you want to lean down, or if you want to build muscle.
4. Aggressive Fat Loss
Most rapid fat loss diets work on a few principles. You’re either going really, really low on carbs which depletes your testosterone, affects your training performance and reduces your muscle building.
Or they go really low on fat which affects your testosterone and makes it difficult to stay full and satisfied.
So I wanted to create a program that allowed someone to effortlessly eat at an aggressive caloric deficit while leaning down, maintaining and supporting muscle retention, feeling amazing and not losing sex drive in the process.
5. Superhero Bulking Program
The Superhero Bulking Program is amazing if you have the base. It’s not for beginners, it’s for people that have already been training for at least three years, they’re strong and they want to take themselves to superhero status without gaining fat. That’s an important part, is the nutrition protocols. We’re using two different strategies that allow you to simultaneously build muscle while supporting a lean, lean physique.